Join the Network
Suicide prevention is everybody’s business
The underpinning principle of the Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Community Network (TSPCN) is that suicide prevention is everybody’s business.
Strong and resilient communities that can understand and talk about suicide issues are more likely to be able to address it.
Membership of the TSPCN is open to all Tasmanians aged 18+. Whether you are a community member, service provider, government representative or someone with Lived Experience, the network highly values the input and contributions of all Tasmanians who have an interest in or have been affected by suicide.
By becoming a member of the TSPCN, you will have the chance to participate in working groups, receive invitations to upcoming suicide prevention events, and can attend quarterly meetings where like-minded individuals can gather to exchange experiences, learnings and ideas.
Membership is completely free, and the extent of your involvement in TSPCN activities is entirely up to you. To become a member, sign up below and you will receive emails with the latest news and opportunities.